
Upcoming events in FlorRaison

Programma 2021

Our programming is due to Corona restrictions not ready for  public events.

Programma 2021

More details will follow on this  site or will be send to our subscribers.

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Registration for upcoming events is desirable, because the places are limited by the exclusive space of FlorRaison gallery.

Do not miss it.

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 webdesign Madstudio

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High-Res Reprografie by Mick Willemsen/Madstudio

International connections


Salon Artistique FlorRaison
Bellamystraat 46
3027 RJ
The Netherlands

Email Adres

Phone Number

Phone: +31(0)10 262 166 64
Mobile: +31(0)6 108 574 23

"Ieder kind is een kunstenaar.

De moeilijkheid is er een te blijven als je groot wordt."

citaat Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

© 2021 All rights reserved Harm Kuijers


webdesign by Madstudio nl                                                                                                                          latest update : 03-03-2023


